3 ways to become a thought leader this season

The aim of this blog is to keep readers like you informed, engaged and entertained. It will be a place to talk title and Wisconsin real estate, of course, but the Founders Title team also wants to provide you with tips to help you build your own brand and reputation in this space from time to time.

This conversation about the importance of thought leadership is one of those occasions. But first, what is thought leadership? We’re glad you asked! This concept is about more than just showing off your expertise. It’s one of the best ways to market yourself in a B2B world. Displaying your worth as a thought leader means you’ve earned a reputation as an insightful innovator peers and customers alike can trust.

Here are three tips to help you as you start developing your own thought leadership content. After all, it’s not just about knowing your stuff. Instead, it’s backing up that knowledge by pioneering new ideas and contributing meaningfully to the larger conversation.

Be original. Becoming a thought leader starts with having something original and valuable to say. This requires deep understanding and continuous learning in your field. To help yourself stand out, you should develop unique perspectives or solutions that address unmet needs or emerging trends in your industry.

Once you have these insights in mind, go out and share them, whether it’s through blogs, whitepapers, speaking engagements or social media. The key here is to provide content that’s not only informative but also forward-thinking and inspiring to your audience.

Be engaging. Leaders build a following because people believe in what’s being said. You need to figure out what resonates with your audience and customers the best. Don’t just put out information; distribute it in a way that you’d like to get it. Try different content avenues and delivery styles and see which ones people respond to the most. A couple of other pro tips? Participate in industry forums, social media groups or conferences and be open to feedback on what you’re putting out there – both positive and negative. (Looking for an example of someone who does this very well? The CEO of our parent company, Craig Haskins, is the king of the LinkedIn video.)

Be consistent. Thought leadership can’t be a one-time effort. After all, it takes work to stay on top. Regularly producing and sharing high-quality content is essential to keep reinforcing your position as an expert in the field. It’s all about staying in the digital mix.

At its core, thought leadership is the art of branding yourself as a visionary in your field and within your community. The Founders Title team knows we work with some of the best community and real estate experts in the Madison market, but it’s time everyone else did, too. Thank you for always trusting our team to lead you to the finish line! Reach out to us anytime.